In our male dominated society abundant power seems that occurs only in a form. That is often seen as the masculine form. Women of child hood to see the muscles, he hears a deep voice, see the force control which men dominate and say to themselves' aha the force. "
While it is a form of force that is far from being the only kind of resistance.
Internal weakness of the mind and the heart is the result of poor decision making. Internal weakness stems from women who do not live in there own indigenous power. Feminine essence is where the internal roots of a woman of strength. Men's / man's power is rooted in the physical world. This does not mean that they are entitled to press too much control or disrespect you. This means that you understand their nature is rooted in what is seen. The woman / woman power is rooted in the spiritual world. This does not mean that we are so deeply spiritual. This means I want you to understand that power has its roots. Women have the instinctive ability to know exactly what is happening and often what is happening or what can happen just by being in touch with our emotions.

When women do not fully exist in essence female character, and making life especially will be a chaos of lost opportunity, difficulty, drama and disappointment. His personality is mostly all bravado. The aggressive tone control, strength, loneliness, just in case control after another. While she is lost in the energy, motivation, inner peace and inner strength more important.
That has a skeleton, is the strong respect the command simply by their presence, accepting only the best of every situation requires a strong core. For women, the core is the female essence and energy.