Happy Thanksgiving to our Makeup Junkie readers in the US! Round 5 of our
Makeup Junkie Readers' Beauty Stash Awards 2008 is Best In Brushes, Tools and Hair Care! We want to know what brushes, tools and hair products help beautify you everyday. We have many amazing beauty prizes to announce this week, so be sure to check back everyday for new surveys and prizes. We have posted our surveys and give aways on the right hand side at the top for those that missed our previous survey and prize announcements!
Here are the contest details:
To vote visit:
Best In Brushes, Tools and Hair Care 2008Start: November 27, 2008
End: December 1, 2008 12 pm
Give Away: 1 lucky winner will win
5 Smashbox Lip Enhancing Glosses in Pop (sheer cool pink), Icon (sheer blackberry), Surge (shimmery rose brown - true colour), Luxe (shimmering golden brown - true colour), Starlit (sparkling raspberry - full colour)!
Announced: Winner will be randomly chosen on December 1, after 12:30 pm!