What To Look For:
Knowing how your breasts normally look and feel can help you be aware of changes that should be reported to a doctor. Most breast changes will not be cancer, but still should be discussed with a doctor. Changes to look for include the following:
- Changes to the size or shape of one or both breasts.
- Unusual, persistent pain in the breast or armpit area.
- Swelling under the armpit or below the collarbone.
- Nipple changes, including change in the shape or position of a nipple, or a nipple that becomes pulled inward (inverted).
- Other things to look for: redness, discharge from one or both nipples, lumps or thickening, skin changes including irritation, rash or scaly skin, and dimpling or puckering.
Remember those that have lost the fight, those that are fighting, and those that have won the fight. Do yourself a favour and get yourself checked regularly and remind others to get checked. It's an important cause and your comments will definitely change a life. Thank you to everyone for your lovely comments and supporting BCA! Peace and love!
For more information visit www.cbcf.org and www.bcrfcure.org.
